
Vintage Program – Women In Comics

Women In Comics 1978 Convention

Delaware Valley Comicart Consortium

Nov. 17, 18, & 19 Philadelphia, Pa.

Cover by Marie Severin
Back Cover by Boris Vallejo

From womenincomics.wikia

The Women In Comics 1978 Convention was the third annual comics convention put on by The Delaware Valley Comicart Consortium in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, November 17-19, 1978. Their previous conventions had honored Red Sonja (which Wendy Pini attended costumed as the “guest of honor”) and Howard the Duck. It was one of the first events about women in mainstream/superhero comics.

The convention program booklet contains bios of Marie Severin, Mary Jo Duffy, and Wendy Pini, along with two articles, “The Heroines of Chris Claremont” by Peter Sanderson and “The Role of Women in Comics” by Marilyn Bethke.

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